Loss: Group Vs Individual

We all lose things, but you may find it hard to name your loss while the emotion is raw.  So we turn to friends, loved ones, those in our churches, and maybe counselors to help us through dealing with the grief so we can understand the loss we are experiencing.

What happens when a group loses something collectively?

Our way of processing is turned upside down and we are left many times feeling out in the wilderness alone.

The reason for this feeling is because the people you normally turn to have experienced the same loss. Therefore, they are in the same process of grief you are and all of you are hitting different spaces (places) of that grief train at different times.  What do I mean by that? Well, one person can be mad while another is sad, and another is numb or full of hope.  All of you have to have space for both individual grief and group grief so a healthy healing process can occur for you both as individuals and as a group.

Experiencing mourning practices together and leaning on the abundant Grace poured out for us from God will help us step into a healing process that is full of love and peace.

When you feel alone, know that you are not, because you have a group that has lost this thing with you, even if you are grieving in different ways.  The biggest way you are never alone is you always have Grace being poured over you even when we are unaware of it, don’t take advantage of the love available to us, or don’t show ourselves that grace.

 We offer Grief Companionship where Rev. Jennifer will walk with you and support you in your loss moving you in a healing process.
We offer Grief classes and workshops for groups, so please reach out with questions.




Advent: Christmas Season