Reconnect with God

God loves us abundantly and wants to be in relationship with us.
God desires for us to love ourselves and to love others.
We are told to love others as we love ourselves.

Learn ways to help you connect with and hear God in fresh ways.

Build an Altar to the Lord

Spiritual Disciplines

Disciplines/Ordinances - are ways we connect to the Holy (God).

There a many different disciplines that help us.

There are times when the ones we know stop helping and we need to change them up or we may never have been introduced to them.

  • One-on-One

    We can work with you individually to work through learning about new disciplines. You can discover what discipline(s) will help you grow deeper in relationship with God where you are now in life.

  • Corporate/Group

    We also have a class to learn in a group setting. This is offered by Granted Grace and we can work collaboratively to present the training to your church or other group..

    We also offer special pilgrimages at different times. Currently, we are offering a pilgrimage to Iona, Scotland, in July 2024.