Advent: 2022

Advent is a season of waiting, anticipating, and preparing ourselves for Christ.  We remember the time of waiting and anticipation that happened for the Messiah to come while we are waiting and anticipating Jesus coming again. We are preparing our hearts in this 4-week time for the great gift God sent us (Jesus Christ) and the Joy that the season of Christmas brings.

In church we light a new candle each week: one each for hope, peace, love, and joy. These are gifts we have when Jesus is in our hearts, and we find new meaning and understandings to these words.

This year there is so much turmoil in the world and in the denomination where I am ordained. I have decided to use a book to help focus an Advent weekly as a spiritual practice for myself. I will post thoughts and reflections in the hope it may help others during this time of anticipation.

While We Wait: Living the Question of Advent, written by Mary Lou Redding, is the book I will be using to focus my thoughts. The book was given to me by one of my mentors, Dr. Patty Meyers, so I thank her for the book.  The book was published in 2002 by the Upper Room.



Advent: Hope


Calling & Vocation