Lent 2023 Jennifer Orr Lent 2023 Jennifer Orr

Lent: The Serenity Prayer: Lines 2-4

Wisdom to know the difference—well that seems to be asking a lot personally.

I am still struck how our understanding of Sanctifying Grace is so similar to how serenity will grow over time. It takes time to cultivate, we need God to make it happen, and we must recognize this is a gift from God.

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Lent 2023 Jennifer Orr Lent 2023 Jennifer Orr

Lent: The Serenity Prayer: A Simple Prayer to Enrich Your Life

I challenged you in my blog (Lent) to think “How can you draw closer?”

I am reading a book by Trevor Hudson this season. It has 12 chapters, and it is called “The Serenity Prayer: A Simple Prayer to Enrich Your Life” (published by The Upper Room, copyright 2012).

Today I want to challenge you to read this book, because while I am just getting started, I am finding it a wonderful read that I can do in short spurts of time that I give myself to be with God and challenge myself to draw close to God.

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Jennifer Orr Jennifer Orr

Lent: Drawing Closer to God

We are in a valley (maybe cave is a better word) where we can’t see our way forward. What better time to draw closer to God than Lent?

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Lent 2023 Jennifer Orr Lent 2023 Jennifer Orr


What is Lent? Well, for me who thinks lint and Lent sound the same… Lent is not what is in your pocket. Lent is one of the seasons in the church.

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