
At the beginning of the year, I wrote a blog titled A New Year in which I said that the new year was a great time to set your spirit and life in balance.  Then recently I wrote in Why Granted Grace? that we are our own worse judges and in Pilgrimage=Transformation that we are always on a journey, and we can find God in ordinary places.

As I said in A New Year, “we are a triad (mind, body, and soul).” I didn’t go deep into the topic.  I still want to keep it simple here, but if you want to go deeper, please come talk to me. (book appointment) (

To find balance:

  • We need things in our lives that keep our mind active and challenge it (make us think).

  • We need activities in our lives to keep our body active. (the activities will change over time as we age, but it always needs to be there.)

  • To care for our souls, this is going to be very different for each person because it is going to be activities that make your heart happy.

As a spiritual director/companion, most people would think I would tell you to find the one thing that fits all three categories and that this is where you will find balance. That is not how life works. You need to have activities you do in each circle, and when you do it will help you stay balanced.


What happens if you are not doing things in all three circles, or you are heavy loaded in one or two and lacking in one circle?

You are unbalanced.

Life changes affect our circles and our balance in life.

When tragedy, loss, and life changes happen, they change our circles and how/what we are doing in the circles. Yet we don’t like to think about the fact that things change.
What do I mean? If you have had a major loss (life change), your soul is going to be hurt and if you are not careful it is easy to avoid activities that make your soul find joy because you have a feeling that it’s not okay to seek joy. You might end up not doing things for your mind, soul, or body and you become unbalanced.

The longer you are unbalanced, the more off you will feel. Feeling off for each person can manifest differently. For some it can come across as depression, longing, searching for something, or even other physical pain such as headaches.  These are just some examples.

How do you become balanced again? Or stay balanced? Find activities that bring you joy in each circle: Mind, Body, and Soul.

Check out my next blog: Balance: What does it mean to Bring you Joy?


Balance: What does it mean to bring you Joy?

