Breaking News

I hope you read my blog Calling & Vocation where I explained how I am called to be the embodiment of God’s love out in the world in everything I do.  I wrote about my unique calling and passion for faith formation (helping people grow in their faith and hear God in their lives).  In that blog post I shared where I worked at the time living out my call.

I am a Spiritual Director/Companion, and my ministry is Granted Grace LLC ( Through Granted Grace, I help people understand and receive the abundant, overflowing grace of God by walking alongside all people and providing space to learn about their loss and grief, their life’s call, or any other spiritual journey.

What is Spiritual Direction/Companionship? It involves working with a director/companion through conversations that tune your mind, body, and soul to hear God. Forming your faith more deeply is a journey. As you walk with the director, you learn better how God is already working, and wants to continue to work, in your life.

I have specific training to help people as they are walking with God and finding footing with their spirit through many forms of loss and grief.

What, then, could be my big news? I have embarked on a new journey to better myself and to better help people as a Spiritual Director/Companion. I started taking classes this fall at the McAfee school of Theology at Mercer University in a Doctorial of Ministry (DMin) program with a concentration in Christian Spirituality. My primary goal is to further enhance and advance the work I am already doing with Spiritual Direction/Companionship, particularly with matters of loss and grief.

We are all affected by loss, and it touches our mind, body, and soul in so many ways. God and our faith can be a true guide and source of abundance of grace when we take moments to understand what is happening.

Please pray for me as I walk on this journey.

If you need to ask questions feel free to email at:

Appointments can be booked on the website ( or you can email


Loss: When it Slaps You in the Face