Advent 2022 Jennifer Orr Advent 2022 Jennifer Orr

Advent: Hope

“We often use the word hope as if hope were a fragile thing…The people in the Bible reveal a hope worth risking for, hope that pulls people from the present into the future.”(14)
Hope from one person can change everything, and that is so powerful.

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Advent 2022 Jennifer Orr Advent 2022 Jennifer Orr

Advent: 2022

I have decided to use a book to help focus an Advent weekly as a spiritual practice for myself.

While We Wait: Living the Question of Advent, written by Mary Lou Redding, is the book I will be using to focus my thoughts. The book was given to me by one of my mentors, Dr. Patty Meyers, so I thank her for the book. The book was published in 2002 by the Upper Room.

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Jennifer Orr Jennifer Orr

Calling & Vocation

Welcome, I (Rev. Jennifer Orr) am starting a blog!
I will use the blog to introduce my new ministry Granted Grace LLC, share upcoming ministry offerings, and share different thoughts and devotions.
I am hopeful and admittedly a little scared as I step into this new journey with whoever joins me.

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