Lent: The Serenity Prayer: Lines 10, 11, & 12: God’s Will
I think my favorite lines from this book appear in these chapters. Hudson is talking about how there are two types of people in the world.
What do you think they are?
When Hudson writes about the specific will of God, he has two of my favorite quotes in the book.
Lent: The Serenity Prayer: Lines 7, 8, & 9: Jesus
When you first read the line “Accepting Hardship as the Pathway to Peace,” I know I first think, “How can hardships be a pathway to peace?”
The next line is “Taking, as He Did, the Sinful World as It Is, Not as I Would Have It.” I was not surprised to see the discussion begin with the notion we live in a world with awful headlines.
Loss: Firsts-Christmas, Birthday, Thanksgiving….
We can experience “firsts” with every kind of loss, whether it is a job, a dream, a loved one lost through death, or a loved one lost by circumstance, or ________ (fill in the blank).
When we lose something, it is inevitable we will have the “year of firsts.” What does that mean?
Lent: The Serenity Prayer: Lines 5 & 6: Time
We are now starting the longer part of the poem, what I would consider the practical part of the poem.
So, what are lines 5 and 6 in the prayer?
• Living One Day at a Time
• Enjoying One Moment at a Time
What is Time?